Introducing Amicis Threat Defence – SecOps

- By -

Robert Wilson

Amicis are proud to launch our multi-tenanted security operations service: Amicis Threat Defence – SecOps.

With so many security, compliance and reporting demands, we recognise the challenge of managing all these across numerous workstreams and being able to prioritise and focus on the most pressing issues at any one time. For this reason, we have grouped all key security and compliance activities into one easy to deploy, navigate, interrogate and report platform, providing security leaders and operators the clarity needed when wanting to understand key risks and prioritise activities.

Some notable areas of the platform include:

24/7 event logging, threat detection, investigation and response
Endpoint protection and attack prevention
Compliance + Policy Tracking and Maintenance
Cloud security monitoring
Network Sensor and Intrusion Detection
Full Syslog suite
Dark Web Monitoring and Threat Intelligence feeds
Continuous vulnerability management
On the spot remediation

The feedback from those already benefitting from the platform is that this brings IT and Security functions, responsibilities and outputs closer together than ever before. The ability to collaborate and leverage the capability of the platform to focus on the high impact activities knowing the SecOps platform has the day to day operations covered, is of immense value.

There is a rich roadmap of features to be added to the platform with continued research and development underpinning what challenges our markets need addressing and the activity threat actors are undertaking to obfuscate these security barriers.

Our firm belief, supported by our clients, is that security has to be an enabler for growth, differentiation and innovation. By managing and addressing key security and compliance concerns in this SecOps platform, we are playing our part in enabling that objective.

For a 30 day free trial of the platform, please apply here. Alternatively if you have any questions, or would like a tailored demo, please enquire at

We are Amicis, enabling you to innovate, differentiate, and scale with assurance and security.

Ready to get started?